
Chronological Age or Biological Age?

Per Söderström
April 16, 2024
min read
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Chronological Age or Biological Age?

Now imagine two clocks: one measures the years since you were born, ticking away impartially. That's chronological age, a simple count of time.

Now, picture a second clock, intricately designed, responding to how you live your life, the environment you're in, and even the genes you inherited. This clock represents biological aging, a personalized timeline that can race ahead or slow down, reflecting the true condition of your body and mind.

The aging process is a complex dance between your genetic blueprint, the choices you make, and the world around you. Every breath, every meal, and days in the sun can nudge the hands of your biological clock, influencing how quickly or slowly you age. It's a fascinating journey that intertwines biology with lifestyle, painting a unique picture of aging for each of us.